Be calculative with every word you utter for you are wholly responsible for it. Speak only that which will bring you honor: Be precise with your words for wise men speak because they have something to say which is honored and fools do so because they have something to say.He who has no faith in himself can never have faith in god: God dwells in the heart of every being and unless we value and place our faith in ourselves and the virtues we possess, we cannot establish faith on thy lord.Even kings and emperors with heaps of wealth and vast dominion cannot compare with an ant filled with the love of god: It means that your richness is directly proportional to the love contained into your heart for thy lord irrespective of your size and the wealth you amass.Illuminated the entire existence by the sun and the moon, bestowed us with the surface of earth to live and to die and here we stand forgetting all his gifts. Prani praan pavan bandh raakhey, chand sooraj much diye Maran jeevan kau dharti dheeni aithay gun visray: He infused life into my body by binding together the elements air and water.Karmi aapo aapni, kay needay kay dur: Your actions are the quotient of your distance and your karma (your deeds) decide whether you are drawn closer or driven far from thy lord.Here is a list of some profound quotes by Shri Guru Nanak Dev ji which are sure to leave a deep impinge on your conscience: Idol worship is not a part of Sikh culture as they are bestowed with Guru Granth Sahib ji and are told to abide by the teachings taught in this holy book but I still carry a small card size calendar bearing the photograph of Guru Nanak Dev ji, a glance at which fills up my empty self with courage and strength when in doubt or caught up in dilemma. He always preached unison with god and laid special emphasis to rise above hate and erase those impalpable boundaries that distinguish men on the basis of cast, creed, religion etc. Guru Nanak Dev Ji are the first guru of Sikhs and being a receptor to all his tales made him my idol. Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji were born in the west of Lahore in a village Talwandi, in 1469. “Satguru Nanak pargateya, mitti dhund jag chaanan hoya” (With the emergence of Satguru Nanak, the light surpassed all the darkness and emerged out clearing the mist thereby illuminating all the directions.)